T-Clear Corporation

Makers of LightGuard, a lightweight concrete topped insulation board. Designed to interlock together for high performance ballast on an IRMA or protected membrane roof application.
This amazing product will serve as an insulation board (DOW Styrofoam Brand), a protection course and with their new color offering LightGuard simulates the beauty of a plaza area.
Full systems warranties and wind performance customized for your particular geographical concern, T-Clear Corporation is a leader in roofing technology. Most all major roofing membrane manufacturers are approved with the T-Clear warranted system.
Makers of ProTec Panels, lightweight, concrete faced, structural insulated wall panels- This patent pending exterior grade wall system is an alternative to conventional lumber framing systems. All of its components are unaffected by water and will not warp, soften or decay.
Using basic tools, the walls can be erected in short order. Each panel is framing, sheathing and insulation all in one. Any number of finishes can be applied directly to both the interior and exterior sides.
The panel system is competitively price, easy to assemble, energy efficient, resistant to mold and mildew growth. Try this proprietary and breaking new ground in the development of temporary classrooms, dwellings, storage facilities and more.
With well over half a million board feet erected in countries all over the world, the Protec Wall Panel System will suitably furnish a contractor with a fully functional wall system in minutes vs. weeks of construction time associated with conventional structural wall panels on the market today.
Visit this manufacturer’s website: http://tclear.com/